Sunday, October 10, 2010


I know that I have beem really terrible about posting but here is an update.I am 36 weeks pregnant and last week the Dr. put me on bed rest. I had went in on wedensday to have the Dr. check this pain that I have been having that seemed to be getting worse. The funny thing was I had called the nurse and she informed that there were no Dr.s in and I would have to go into labor and delivery. I told her I did not want to do that but if there was no choice I guess I would. I was slowley getting ready because I was dreading going in. As I was just about to go the phone rang and it was the nurse. She informed me that the Dr. was in the office for  a few minutes and he would wait for me to run in. I was psyched I speed the whole way there. When I got there they did the standard check and then had me go into the exam room to be checked by the Dr. I was relieved when he told me I had torn a groin muscle. I fugured no big deal and the next thing I know he is telling me He is putting me on Bed rest for two weeks and then they would take the baby. He continued telling me that i only had restroom privelidges. I was in complete shock. He gave me a prescription for Loritab(which I did not fill) and sent me on my way.
I cried the whole way home. How was I going to take care of my 5 wonderful kids and husband.Amazingly I think I forgot how wonderful my family is. My Mother came over and started cleaning my house and doing my laundry. My great sister in law Lori went and got dinner from papa murphys for us and got the relief society set up.The next day my mother spent the whole day cleaning my house and taking care of the kids. Kerrys Mom and sister brought us broccoli soup and homeade bread for dinner. (it was heavenly) On friday My MIL took the kids all morning and my little sister Jessica, Lori and her dear mother Sharee Webb came and continued cleaning my house. I am amazed at all the help we have had. My house is now clean and the kids are at church with my parents.
 I am so close to having everything ready for the baby. I only had to finish a car seat cover and diaper bag that I had started. I have a very giving friend Shelly Schwendiman that offered to finish the diaper bag. I am so greatful to her.
I know that the Lord is very watchful over us at this time. Next week is all covered for babysitting, and I have meals coming tuesday wedensday and Thursday. Who could ask for anything more.
 I remember thinking in the past how I would love to be on bed rest but now that I am, I dislike it with a passion. I am greatful for all the help but I do not like sitting in my bed making someone else take over my responsibilites. I get so restless in my bed and if you see me in my van, Just remember I am still sitting and I probably just had to get out or I would scream.:)  And yes I am sitting in my bed right now. Kerry brought his laptop home so I could have something else to do. So to everyone that has helped our family or who is going to be helping Thank you a million times over. 


Kristin said...

Bed rest SUCKS! there is nothing else to describe it! Im sorry you have to go through it!!!!

Rachel Doyle said...

Keep your chin up! Bed rest is terrible - but its only for two weeks - so get all the rest you can because in two weeks that beautiful baby of yours will be here and you'll be busier than ever. You are in my prayers. Rachel

Kandace Wittwer said...

I'm sorry Janae! I had to be on bedrest for 3 weeks with Jocelyn and it isn't any fun at all!! Hope all goes well. Thank goodness for loving friends and family, huh?

Lori said...

Janae you are a trooper! So glad I live next door, so I can help out! You have been a life saver for me so many times. I am glad to return the favor. You are such a sweetheart and we love ya!! Hang in there!

McKensi said...

I wish i could be there to come and visit and help out. Just know you are in our prayers and we LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! you have been amazing through this whole pregnancy and your almost there, Before you know it that beautiful baby will be in your hand ( we know she will be gorgeouse because they all were) and you'll love every second of it. Your such a good mom and i cant wait to come down and meet this new addition your already wonderful family.