Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Just another reminder I will be going private in about a week. I don't care if I don't know you if you want to be invited just leave your email.


Brad and Genis Barben said...

You too huh?! Seems to be the thing to do these days.

There go's the Craigs again... said...

cniquelle@gmail.com That is our email Address. We love your blog! Happy Birthday Kerry!

n & t said...

count us in! email is kosugekiyomi@gmail.com

Cameron and Paige said...

Hey it's Paige Anderson Christensen from the ward back in the day. I just found you and saw that you are going private. I would love it if you added me, i wuld love to keep in touch with you. it's been so long. I think the last time I saw you was at Heidi Taggarts baby shower. Anyway, if you want to add me my e-mail is pj_prissy@hotmail.com Thank you. It's good to see you family doing so well.

Rachel Doyle said...

I can't remember if I already asked -- babies have fried the brain -- but add us ...rachelmdoyle@gmail.com

Gary & Deborah Decker said...

Decker e-mail you probably have but just in case gkdgd2@juno.com

Anonymous said...

I would like an invite, guerisoli@hotmail.com