Daimen and Amy got married on Friday. We were so excited to finally see them married. She had open heart surgery on Halloween and we were all worried she could not do a wedding this soon. She looked amazing. We are so excited to have her in our family. For the reception we went a half hour early for family pictures and when we got there she was in the Hospital. Her Medication IVs had clogged so they spent 2 hours in the E.R. on there wedding Day.Luckily they showed up 5 minutes late for the reception and they quickly dressed up. We were all fine with postponing the pictures until after the reception. Try telling all the kids that they needed to stay clean.Maddie had no shoes and had lost her ribbon. If you note in our little family picture she has shoes and the big family picture she is without.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Daimen and Amys wedding
Posted by Janae at 10:15 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
We are also having 33 adults and 16 kids.not including infants. They are all coming over to our house at noon.I was up at 6:30 am to put the turkey in and put the frozen corn in the crock pot. Our house smells so yummy now.
Posted by Kerry at 9:51 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy BIrthday
This is a Happy Birthday shout out to my dear Husband. I have to say I married the best man. I thought I would put the top ten things I love about him
1- His testimony of the Church is so strong. He is always the one to remember prayers and scripture study. Even if he is sick he tries to go to church.
2- He loves me even on my bad days.
3- He is so dang talented. He could make anything or fix anything. He loves to create new things. He has made me shelves, racks for clothing, a surf board, a barbie house, our kids high chair and 3 beautiful homes.( there is alot more I could go on forever) If you come into our home he has done so many things on it.It took me awhile to trust him when he said he could do it.Now I would rather he do it.
4- He loves to garden. And loves to share the fruit of his labor.
5-He loves to give. I have to remind him sometimes that we are on a strict budget, but he always wants to give.I know many of you have been recipeints of his generosity. I am learning alot about giving from him.I have had many a day were I open the door and someone is bringing us a thank you gift. Even times were I did not know he did it.We have had homeade pies and even a quilt with our family name on it.
6- People love him. I have not met a person that does not like him. My Grandpa Goodwin cannot remember anyones name but he has yet to forget Kerrys
7- He is the best father. He is always doing something with his kids.At Christmas time I will have the shopping all done and he will proceed to the store and double what I have done.He reads the scriptures to them on most nights. They love to ride the motorcycle with him.
8- He is the best buisnessman. He has created and ran 1 amazing buisness and is in the process of starting another. Before he asked me to marry him he went and found a job that could support a family. I remember My mother being so impressed. He will never let his family go without anything.
9- He is honest.
10- overall I just love this man and am very greatful that I get to spend the rest of eternity with him. I love spending time with him and love every part of him. Have a great Birthday Kerry
Posted by Janae at 12:32 PM 4 comments
Just another reminder I will be going private in about a week. I don't care if I don't know you if you want to be invited just leave your email.
Posted by Janae at 9:34 AM 7 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Kerry's opinion on Prop 8
Kerry here, with all the talk about prop. 8 I thought I would share how I feel, this is not directed at anyone individually.
It is surprising to hear the opinions of some members of the LDS Church who are opposing Proposition 8. It would not surprise me to see some members leave the Church because they do not trust the Prophet or to prove the point that they believe the Church (God) should not be involved in regulating moral issues that will be accepted nationally, and they believe that the things God asks us to do through his Prophet are optional.
If the Lord (through the Prophet) asks members in California or Arizona to support prop. 8 it would make sense that members anywhere would be under the same counsel. Some may consider this following blindly without using the knowledge we have, that is the purpose of a Prophet, to give counsel and direction when we don't see the big picture( I'm sure that in the days of Noah people thought his sons were following blindly, there was no rain. When Lehi left Jerusalem a couple of his sons thought Nephi was following blindly and there was no way that Jerusalem could be destroyed). Is our wisdom greater than God's?
While it may seem reasonable to feel that allowing same gender marriages to become accepted as normal and that this would be letting people exercise their “freedom”, however, when people “exercising their freedoms “ starts to take away from the freedoms of others and invites an immoral way of life that will lead to the destruction of family, values and even the belief in God, that is when it becomes a problem. If same gender marriage was accepted as “normal”, this would be taught to our children in schools as normal and acceptable. While our schools are no longer allowed to teach “thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, etc.”, it is now against the law to pray or teach respect for God and others, in the name of protecting peoples rights.
In the name of giving people their rights it could be said that there should be no age limit on drinking and smoking, you could marry your brother or sister, bars and adult book stores allowed on every corner, casinos and gambling allowed in every state, pornography allowed to be displayed in public places, people allowed to walk around nude in public, prostitution legalized, drugs legalized, no age restrictions on sexual relations (if a 50 year old man wants to hook up with a (your) 10 year old girl and they are both in agreement, it's their right), and there are people who feel it is their right to have relations with animals.
Most of these issues would be protested by some group or another at some point, because of our beliefs in what is morally wrong, and an even greater reason which most people don’t consider is the effect that these things have on society, most people are aware of the results of people that get heavily involved in pornography, it is usually followed by adultery, rape and in many cases murder. If all these things were acceptable it would not be safe to leave your home, in Sodom and Gomorrah the Lord sent 2 Angels there to Lots house “the MEN of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young--they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them” (Gen.19:1-16)The consequences that follow a nation or people that allow, then embrace immorality are devastating. Do you want to live or raise your children in this kind of environment?
Many of you that have lived in small cities, especially in Utah, have seen the situation where people have moved away from cities with an environment that they do not want to live in with their families, some have built their own cities with an atmosphere that attracts people because of the peaceful, clean and good environment, then as new people move in they tell how bad the place was where they came from and how nice it is here, but then they feel there are too many Mormons (the reason for the environment is because of the standards that the community is based on and abide by) so the first thing they want to do is make it “more like home”, and try to change laws in city's and towns to accept bars, drinking, adult entertainment etc.(so while we did not force those people to move to these small towns with good standards, those people feel it is their right to change the standards to meet their habits).
This is the same thing that is happening in America on a larger scale, God led people to America for religious freedom, he created the Constitution “by the hands of wise men whom he raised up unto that very purpose” ,the Constitution was based on principles from the Bible, the motto of America is “in God we trust” , when the Founding Fathers called for separation of church and state , it was to separate government from controlling religion not to take religious values from government. The good clean environment that God created is being changed and over run by those who do not believe in God, by siding with these people are we “trying to serve God without offending the Devil”
The gospel of Jesus Christ is about love, love the sinner but do not accept the sin as ok, I have respect for gay people but not for what they do, of adulterers Jesus said “repent and sin no more” he did not say “lets change the law so that what you are doing is acceptable”
Even if you dont believe that there is a living Prophet the Bible clearly condems fornication, adultry and a "man lying with a man", When we no longer believe that God is our Father and that we are no longer responsible in upholding the values that he has asked us to uphold , “we will bring about the calamities and destruction foretold by ancient and modern prophets” , there is nothing that we can be bound to, no belief of a consequence for any action if we do not believe in God, but if we still believe in God we know from the scriptures that the things mentioned are immoral and we have seen the outcome of those that have tolerated, allowed, accepted and then embraced these practices, are we inviting that to our nation in the name of tolerance or giving people rights?
Posted by Kerry at 12:08 PM 8 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I think that we are going private. If you could please leave your email I will erase it as soon as I get it down. I have heard to many yucky stories.
Posted by Janae at 8:20 AM 21 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Prop 8
I have been reading some friends blogs lately and felt that I needed to write what I believe. I hope it does not come out to harsh I still love all who give there opinions. I am grateful for there friendships.
I have had a really hard time understanding why people are against prop 8. That does not mean that I dislike them for voting against it or wanting to.
I do have a hard time understanding why it should be a question what we support. I do know that people have the tendency to love the same sex but does that mean I need to support them by letting them get married. The family unit is so sacred and it is slowly dissapearing. The proclamation of the family states " that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creators plan for the eternal destiny of His Children". This is from our Heavenly Father. Not just something the Church came out with. The first Commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve was to multiply and replenish the earth. You cannot do that without man and woman. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and mother. At the end of the Proclamation it states. we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society. I feel so strongly about this. I know that this proclamation is modern day revelation from a loving Heavenly Father. If we did not have this revalation I could understand wanting to vote against prop 8. But how much clearer does the Lord need to be. I have to say that I do feel for those that choose to live life with the same gender. I had a Uncle whom I dearly loved who was gay. I felt strongly that I needed to write my opinion on this. I have a testimony of the family. I have a testiomony of the true church of God. I know that we are heading into (and are already there ) days that will try our testimonies. I have a testimony that I will be with my family forever, because of the covenants I made with Heavenly Father in the Temple. And last but not least I have a testimony of the proclamation of the family. I am grateful for our Freedom and know that Heavenly Father gave us that freedom for a reason. I just thought I would end with a picture of my wonderful family
Posted by Janae at 8:56 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
another paint project
well ive been wanting to paint my helmet to match my bike, but i still need a little practice, so Tyler offered his helmet to be the lab rat.it started out metallic redgot painted all white, masked off
then got painted all red, un masked and put stickers on then clear coated
Posted by Kerry at 6:22 PM 2 comments
6th file 6th picture tag
6th file 6th pictureTag. This is a Tag my sisters are doing You go to your 6th file and get the 6th picture. This one is of Lexi in 2007. I think it is at Easter time. what a cutie
Posted by Janae at 1:36 PM 3 comments