Lexi leading them down the hill
Megan helping her friend Miread
The Break rock as the kids called it
Kerry took the kids on a hike yesterday up the red mountain. He was a little nervous to take Lexi for fear that she couldn't keep up. She was the one they all had to keep up with.They all enjoyed having a little time outdoors with there Dad
Saturday, January 31, 2009
red mountain hike
Posted by Janae at 5:25 PM 2 comments
Brians first bath
This is Brian in a cute towell our neighbor gave him
He sure loved the bath after the initial wet down
Maddie sure does love her brother. She is like a dog with her new puppies, she watches him like a hawk and gets really nervous when someone wants to hold him.
Here is a cute picture of baby Brian. Also here are a few of his first bath
Posted by Janae at 5:18 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Here I am holding Brian I was to tired to care. Look how bruised he is. Poor kid it was a hard delivery
Kerry seeing his boy for the first time
me right before the birth
So here it is The Birth story of Brian Kerry Bang. It all started on Sunday the 4th day of January. Brians Mother was sick of being pregnant. Yes she had had it I was dilated to a 4 and was so sore and ready to scream from not sleeping. I swore to Kerry if he did not let me go to the hospital one of these days I would not give him any more kids. We had went to church and had a normal Sunday. When Kerry got home we headed directly to My parents house for a sunday evening.On the way there we stopped at the Ivins park were the search and rescue had set up camp for a search on the red mountain. We had wanted to ask Jeremy Johnson if our kids could get a ride on the helicopter some time. When he saw me he said that if I went I would go into labor. I politely refused to ride, but the kids and Kerry flew with him to the Airport were I met them.When we got to my parents Kensi informed me that my babies hands were really tiny. We cut it short because Cherina had invited us to her house for dessert. I had started to notice my contractions at her house but figured they were my normal contractions that would stop.We got home around 9:30 put the kids to bed and visited for a while. about 10:45ish I got into the tub to try to relax so I could go to bed. My contractions started to come on pretty hard at this point. I asked Kerry to come and read the scriptures to me because I didn't want to get out yet. I had to stop him a couple times because they were really starting to hurt. I finally got out because I wanted to have Kerry help me make them not hurt. I called my Mom to see if she had any Ideas. She said she was coming out right then. I told her no that the contractions would probably stop anyways. She wouldn't hear of it and said she would just go home if they stopped. By the time she got here I was having them pretty good. I had told Kerry that she would probably say lets go to the hospital. She did.Chris and Jessica came along for the ride. When we got to the hospital they checked me and I was a 6. They had me get up and go to the delivery room. I was surprised I thought that they would monitor me for awhile. By the time we got settled into the room they checked me and I was a 7. We had requested Dr. Craig Astle (our old Bishop) He was not on call but I told them to try him anyways. He showed up and went to preak my water I was an 8. We had only been at the hospital 1 1/2 hours. When I finally got to a 9 the Dr. came in and I started to push. I told him I would get it out in 2 pushes they all laughed. After 10 pushes he was out but his shoulders were stuck. They called this shoulder distosia. After some hard pushes from me and the nurses he came. I was so relieved to finally be done. He came at 4:32 a.m. and he weighed 8 pds 15 ozs. 20 1/2 inches long.
Posted by Kerry at 8:09 PM 14 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
finally two pictures
This picture is Baby Brian 2 minutes ago.Here he is meeting his sisters after 4 days of staying at the hospital. The girls were so excited to finally see there brother.
I have a really good birth story and will try to write it all for you tonight later. But for now we love him so much and cannot wait to have him out of the lights and into our arms.
Posted by Janae at 7:55 PM 15 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
cheers for the boy hip hip hooray
and a litle funny saying for the baby boy " A life? cool! where can i downlowd one?
Posted by Janae at 4:34 PM 5 comments
Its a BOY
We had a strapping little boy this morning at 4:30 a.m. He weighed in at 8 lb 15 oz. we will tell all after a little sleep.
Posted by Janae at 10:21 AM 5 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Helicopter ride
The kids got an awesome experience today. We have a Search going on right at our Red mountain. They have the search and rescue out looking for a lady that has been missing for 4 days. They have had 3 helicopters looking. We stopped by to see some of the search and rescue guys and we mentioned that our kids would love to ride on the helicopter. The pilot was a guy we new and was heading back to the airport, he let Kerry and the kids ride back with him. They had a blast.Here are a few pictures Here is Ashley fixing Lexis headset
Madison and Lexi looking at our house as they flew over it. Or as they say the Helicopter tipped over.
Here is the Helicopter coming in for a landing
All the kids loved the ride this is them all buckled up and ready to go.
Posted by Janae at 7:51 PM 4 comments